top > Marathon Matches > Competition History > kphmd

Marathon Match Competition History of kphmd [topcoder]

# Date Contest Place Submissions Provisional
109 2021-02-23 Marathon Match 124 ROUND 44 19 4.57 4.91 1096 829 -267
108 2019-03-23 March Madness Series: Neptune 27 1 0.0 0.0 1127 968 -159
107 2019-03-15 Quantum Computing Challenge Se 14 1 89.24 88.66 1080 1173 +93
106 2019-02-14 TCO19 MM 108 42 4 810755.13 812563.01 1090 1080 -10
105 2019-01-05 Marathon Match 106 32 9 415400.0 414720.0 1057 1090 +33
104 2018-11-29 TCO19 MM 104 14 1 697553.64 692878.1 -
103 2018-10-20 Marathon Match 103 21 7 954027.98 948246.75 943 1057 +114
102 2018-09-28 (TCO19) RFID Locator 9 16 131926.21 133527.58 -
101 2018-06-07 2018 TCO MM 2 77 4 376382.11 375107.72 866 943 +77
100 2018-05-05 2018 TCO Poland MM 154 2 18082.57 18227.36 1023 866 -157
99 2018-04-19 Marathon Match 100 150 5 517064.06 551276.69 985 1023 +38
98 2018-03-15 Marathon Match 99 90 6 545419.61 607320.03 1039 985 -54
97 2018-02-15 Marathon Match 98 84 2 358089.43 345676.83 1135 1039 -96
96 2018-01-25 Marathon Match 97 84 4 280681.82 279509.09 1185 1135 -50
95 2017-12-21 Marathon Match 96 32 1 442.49 537.77 1261 1185 -76
94 2017-12-12 Automated Failure Analysis 23 2 -1.0 -1.0 -
93 2017-10-10 Urban Mapper 3D 13 2 78689.92 1.0 -
92 2017-10-05 Marathon Match 95 46 4 307424.24 318848.48 1283 1261 -22
91 2017-07-14 KM Pathology *TCO17* 50 3 556684.16 602667.76 1357 1283 -74
90 2017-07-06 2017 TCO MM 3 99 7 102435.32 147253.93 1458 1357 -101
89 2017-05-11 2017 TCO MM 2 63 2 409951.46 397577.67 1482 1458 -24
88 2017-04-13 2017 TCO MM 1 77 3 344281.69 323500.09 1517 1482 -35
87 2017-01-05 Marathon Match 92 16 11 600742.84 587816.93 1472 1522 +50
86 2016-12-20 MMRF 37 6 0.0 0.0 -
85 2016-05-11 2016 TCO Marathon Round 2 118 1 395085.53 374688.34 1579 1472 -107
84 2016-04-15 DNA Seqeuncing 1 30 12 259855.19 252891.82 1566 1579 +13
83 2016-04-06 2016 TCO Marathon Round 1 58 4 682209.37 681161.85 1593 1566 -27
82 2016-03-16 Electronic Parts 22 3 910112.12 974686.46 1606 1593 -13
81 2016-03-14 Atrocity Prevention 13 23 2530.16 7934.64 1567 1606 +39
80 2016-02-23 Robonaut Tool Manipulation 5 3 0.0 0.0 1624 1567 -57
79 2016-02-22 Muse Demographic Membersh 6 18 811727.15 811357.77 1480 1624 +144
78 2015-12-15 PCF Computational Oncology 5 6 406145.51 397845.49 -
77 2015-12-14 Marathon Match 90 17 26 92.0 1834.36 1387 1470 +83
76 2015-10-12 Marathon Match 89 38 5 47.31 477.35 1406 1387 -19
75 2015-09-14 Spoken Languages 2 27 6 88840.0 217560.0 1559 1406 -153
74 2015-09-15 Marathon Match 88 36 5 332403.6 297279.72 1700 1559 -141
73 2015-08-13 Marathon Match 87 14 4 935757.33 936618.3 1662 1700 +38
72 2015-07-27 Quake Predictor 7 2 276814.45 26532.18 1598 1662 +64
71 2015-06-22 2015 TCO Round 3 85 7 87528.94 100801.03 1637 1598 -39
70 2015-05-25 2015 TCO Round 2 77 11 516094.67 521852.07 1678 1637 -41
69 2015-04-20 2015 TCO Round 1 47 14 67.79 1358.13 1653 1678 +25
68 2015-04-09 Optimal Sampling 39 11 935777.76 924548.05 1702 1653 -49
67 2015-04-03 Robot Vision Tracker Extended 10 13 398814.08 295974.24 -
66 2015-03-24 Robot Vision Tracker 11 21 443023.23 248956.61 1673 1702 +29
65 2015-02-23 Marathon Match 86 83 1 56.04 260.85 1830 1673 -157
64 2015-02-19 Child Stuntedness 5 25 13 157433.87 166352.61 1878 1830 -48
63 2015-01-26 Trip Safety 24 61 250419.3 258394.15 1912 1878 -34
62 2015-01-09 Antibody 11 32 140121.2 16085.41 1941 1912 -29
61 2014-12-29 Active Molecules 9 54 923303.14 921694.44 1882 1941 +59
60 2014-12-23 Child Stuntedness 4 6 31 734695.63 733102.83 1832 1882 +50
59 2014-12-09 Facial Emotions 7 23 231034.18 225687.35 1775 1832 +57
58 2014-12-04 Child Stuntedness 3 5 52 473820.11 437379.83 1663 1775 +112
57 2014-10-21 Cassini Propeller Hunt 2 1 28 274351.23 330332.44 -
56 2014-10-17 Design of Experiments Challeng 25 65 619222.4 518952.88 1725 1663 -62
55 2014-10-16 Cassini Propeller Hunt 1 9 7 -3.0 35.86 1769 1725 -44
54 2014-10-01 Child Stuntedness 2 Phase 2 8 11 725887.86 728458.36 -
53 2014-09-26 Child Stuntedness 2 Phase 1 5 8 682934.86 687924.77 1670 1769 +99
52 2014-08-11 Marathon Match 15 38 433003.51 420250.44 1607 1670 +63
51 2014-07-25 Asteroid Tracker 17 18 420.76 436.99 1594 1607 +13
50 2014-06-25 TCO14 Round 3 46 10 852521.73 849927.84 1560 1594 +34
49 2014-06-11 OmegaDetector 16 20 12592.4 42868.83 -
48 2014-05-21 TCO14 Round 2 90 7 207513.2 208756.14 1578 1560 -18
47 2014-04-23 EPA ToxCast Challenge 23 2 949294.71 692765.2 1625 1578 -47
46 2014-04-09 TCO14 Round 1 157 11 454455.81 457019.46 1676 1625 -51
45 2014-02-14 OctaveClassifier 26 14 913178.3 917191.02 1658 1676 +18
44 2014-02-07 AlleleClassifier 50 15 838599.82 823127.12 1701 1658 -43
43 2013-12-06 Marathon Match 82 53 17 755565.36 762473.67 1722 1701 -21
42 2013-09-12 Collective Minds Exploration C 14 18 291457.41 90447.55 1750 1722 -28
41 2013-06-05 TCO13 Round 3 25 53 908663.61 911172.58 1652 1750 +98
40 2013-05-22 SensorFusion2 3 42 435073.77 302742.07 -
39 2013-05-17 Test MM 2 41 10 594086.61 591858.76 -
38 2013-05-01 TCO13 Round 2 79 13 77.4 1557.34 1665 1652 -13
37 2013-04-15 Soybean Grand Challenge 7 10 346734.19 318409.57 -
36 2013-03-27 TCO13 Round 1 104 10 788222.03 785939.57 1679 1665 -14
35 2013-02-27 Marathon Match 78 42 12 796668.49 805076.29 1704 1679 -25
34 2013-01-16 ISS Longeron Challenge 16 21 157424.45 156100.32 1592 1704 +112
33 2012-09-06 Soybean MM 6 23 11 1046348.92 56548304.63 -
32 2012-08-22 Soteria Serious Injury Predict 40 14 9868.33 9874.17 1705 1592 -113
31 2012-06-14 Soybean MM 5a 5 13 34470.8 179470.07 -
30 2012-06-14 Soybean MM 5b 11 15 32643.88 159059.25 -
29 2012-06-07 HMS Challenge #3 16 12 5634.28 5970.61 -
28 2012-05-30 TCO12 Round 3 26 41 9757.13 9738.79 1622 1705 +83
27 2012-05-17 TCAP 2012 10 30 36436.62 376009.17 1540 1622 +82
26 2012-05-08 Treephaser 24 8 652406.32 653349.0 -
25 2012-05-02 TCO12 Round 2 30 25 38634.0 38569.67 1473 1540 +67
24 2012-04-15 Soybean MM 4 26 5 500547.35 500857.5 1677 1473 -204
23 2012-04-04 TCO12 Round 1 11 51 9451.64 283795.58 1549 1677 +128
22 2012-03-26 USPTO Algo Followup Challenge 10 9 16269856.83 44442847.49 -
21 2012-03-14 AffineSWOptimization 15 13 40479.31 40547.59 -
20 2012-03-07 Soybean Marathon Match 2 12 44 118776.63 111806.4 1465 1549 +84
19 2011-07-13 Marathon Match 73 31 8 564.31 564.76 1490 1465 -25
18 2011-06-29 TCO11 Round 3 60 45 65.14 1687.75 1468 1490 +22
17 2011-06-01 TCO11 Round 2 37 50 74.79 735.28 1311 1468 +157
16 2011-04-13 TCO11 Round 1 70 25 63.55 636.59 1198 1311 +113
15 2010-09-15 Marathon Match 65 55 11 91.31 1837.46 1133 1198 +65
14 2009-11-16 Marathon Match 57 119 9 3234.74 15517.6 1133 1133 +0
13 2009-09-04 MessageDispatcher 80 2 0.04 0.46 -
12 2009-04-20 Exp 1 - Gr C - Ph 2 10 3 904.04 935.49 -
11 2009-04-13 Exp 1 - Gr C - Ph 1 20 1 527.36 527.29 -
10 2009-02-25 TCO09 MM Round 1 251 5 5.86 47.21 1115 1133 +18
9 2008-12-31 MM 47 80 4 15.11 318.24 1130 1115 -15
8 2008-12-10 MM 46 49 8 4.39 90.8 1113 1130 +17
7 2008-12-03 MM 45 77 9 7.59 169.96 1118 1113 -5
6 2008-11-19 MM 44 68 4 0.0 32.0 1161 1118 -43
5 2008-10-29 MM 43 28 0 0.0 0.0 1325 1161 -164
4 2008-03-12 AMD Threadfest 1 45 22 2.06 1.59 -
3 2008-01-30 TCO08 MM 1 341 5 87.09 217.08 1370 1325 -45
2 2007-11-28 MM 26 47 14 38.86 3884.75 1154 1370 +216
1 2007-11-07 MM 25 98 13 92.04 2330.96 1154 -