top > Marathon Matches

Marathon Matches [topcoder]

529 2022-12-06 Marathon Match 142 ROUND
528 2022-10-12 Marathon Match 141 ROUND
527 2022-09-06 Marathon Match 140 ROUND
526 2022-07-26 Marathon Match 139 ROUND
525 2022-07-09 Marathon Match 138 ROUND
524 2022-05-31 Marathon Match 137 ROUND
523 2022-04-21 Marathon Match 136 ROUND
522 2022-04-07 Marathon Match 135 ROUND
521 2022-03-10 Marathon Match 134 ROUND
520 2022-01-18 Marathon Match 133 ROUND
519 2022-01-17 NASA Comet Detection Marathon
518 2022-01-04 Marathon Match 132 ROUND
517 2021-12-17 Capacitated Vehicle Routing Pr
516 2021-11-18 MM 131 Testing ROUND
515 2021-11-09 TCO22 Marathon Finals ROUND
514 2021-10-01 Marathon Match 130 ROUND
513 2021-09-07 Marathon Match 129 ROUND
512 2021-07-27 TCO21 Regional Marathon - Ligh
511 2021-06-02 Marathon Match 127 - CarRacing
510 2021-04-27 Marathon Match 126 ROUND Slider
509 2021-03-23 Marathon Match 125 ROUND
508 2021-03-12 Capacitated Vehicle Routing Pr
507 2021-02-23 Marathon Match 124 ROUND LostTreasureHunter
506 2021-02-12 Capacitated Vehicle Routing Pr
505 2021-01-22 Marathon Match 123 ROUND Jewels
504 2020-12-09 Marathon Match 122 ROUND SuperMinesweeper
503 2020-12-01 pDEM - Paleo-Digital Elevation
502 2020-11-15 TCO20 Marathon Finals ROUND TastyPizza
501 2020-10-21 Marathon Match 121 ROUND SoccerTournament
500 2020-10-09 Customer Churn (Drop Off) Mode
499 2020-09-25 Circle Finder Marathon Challen
498 2020-09-16 Marathon Match 120 ROUND ReversalSort
497 2020-07-24 Marathon Match 119 ROUND HardestMaze
496 2020-05-15 Marathon Match 118 ROUND DanceFloor
495 2020-04-22 Marathon Match 117 - RotatingN RotatingNumbers
494 2020-04-13 Fault Detection in a 3D Seismi
493 2020-03-17 Marathon Match 116 ROUND Lossy2dCompression
492 2020-02-03 Valentine Month Special: Marat GraphReconstruction
491 2020-01-31 Predict how different shapes b
490 2020-01-13 Marathon Match 114 ROUND SnakeCharmer
489 2019-12-13 Marathon Match 113 ROUND NumberCreator
488 2019-11-26 Marathon Match 112 - Testing R
487 2019-11-20 Marathon Match 112 ROUND GlowingBacteria
486 2019-11-13 TCO19 Marathon Finals ROUND MultiplayerChessPieces
485 2019-10-17 CDC Text Classification Marath
484 2019-09-26 TCO19 Marathon Round 3 ROUND JumpAround
483 2019-09-12 TCO19 Marathon Round 2 ROUND ContestOrganizer
482 2019-09-07 MudLogging OCR - All Phrase Id
481 2019-09-06 The 3rd Vehicle Routing Proble
480 2019-08-25 Marathon Match 111 ROUND PolyominoCovering
479 2019-08-23 Finding The Best Bus Routes fo Main
478 2019-07-31 The 2nd Vehicle Routing Proble
477 2019-07-19 Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Season
476 2019-07-19 Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Season
475 2019-07-19 Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Season
474 2019-07-19 Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Season
473 2019-06-27 Mud Log OCR with Google Vision
472 2019-06-24 PINS Master: Extracting OI Io
471 2019-06-07 SingleCell - Trajectory Infere
470 2019-06-06 TCO19 Marathon Match Round 1 R LineUp
469 2019-05-20 PAM Wind MM ROUND
468 2019-05-03 Detecting Wheezing Sounds for
467 2019-05-01 Vehicle Routing Problem: Relay
466 2019-04-19 USSOCOM HF Geolocation Algorit
465 2019-04-10 PINS Explorer: Extracting VI
464 2019-03-30 March Madness Series: Neptune
463 2019-03-23 March Madness Series: Neptune
462 2019-03-22 March Madness Series: Neptune
461 2019-03-22 March Madness Series: Neptune
460 2019-03-16 TCO19 MM 109 RoadNetwork
459 2019-03-15 Quantum Computing Challenge Se
458 2019-03-09 Detecting Radiological Threats
457 2019-02-20 OCR Error Reducer OCRErrorReduction
456 2019-02-14 TCO19 MM 108 CrosswordPuzzler
455 2019-01-24 Marathon Match 107 PointsOnGrid
454 2019-01-07 TCO19 Differential Privacy 2 NistDp2
453 2019-01-05 TCO19 Algo Optimization AlgorithmOptimization
452 2019-01-05 Marathon Match 106 StainedGlass
451 2018-12-15 Marathon Match 105 MessageChecksum
450 2018-12-14 CMap: DPeak Challenge ROUND
449 2018-11-29 TCO19 MM 104 TypesetterArt
448 2018-11-14 2018 TCO Marathon Final VanishingMaze
447 2018-11-04 Yaw Misalignment YawMisalignment
446 2018-10-31 NIST Differential Privacy NistDp1
445 2018-10-21 TCO19 Spacenet BD3 BuildingDetector3
444 2018-10-20 Marathon Match 103 ProductInventory
443 2018-10-06 Bugzilla ROUND Bugzilla
442 2018-09-28 (TCO19) RFID Locator IssRfidLocator
441 2018-09-13 MM 102 TrucksAndCouriers
440 2018-09-13 *TCO19* PPE Detection ProtectiveEquipmentDetector
439 2018-08-02 2018 TCO MM 4 CakeSharing
438 2018-07-28 Argentina Lightning Round KnightsAndPawns
437 2018-07-12 2018 TCO MM 3 InvestmentAdvice
436 2018-07-10 DS Challenge: Use IBM Watson t ProductReviews
435 2018-06-28 World Cup MM WorldCupLineup
434 2018-06-07 2018 TCO MM 2 CrystalLighting
433 2018-05-22 Silverline Media Advertisement AdOptimizer
432 2018-05-10 2018 TCO MM 1 RoadsAndJunctions
431 2018-05-05 2018 TCO Poland MM MapRecoloring
430 2018-04-19 Marathon Match 100 SameColorPairs
429 2018-03-16 Problem Statement Classification ProblemClassifier
428 2018-03-15 Marathon Match 99 BrokenSlotMachines
427 2018-02-15 Marathon Match 98 PrincessesAndMonsters
426 2018-02-03 Detecting Abnormality KMDetectAbnormal
425 2018-02-03 Detect Abnormality [Level 1] KMDetectAbnormal
424 2018-02-03 Detecting Abnormality [Level 1 KMDetectAbnormal
423 2018-02-03 Detecting Abnormality [Level 3 KMDetectAbnormal
422 2018-01-25 Marathon Match 97 PointsOnTheCircle
421 2018-01-16 Intel Movidius IntelMovidius
420 2017-12-21 Marathon Match 96 GarlandOfLights
419 2017-12-12 Automated Failure Analysis AutoCracks
418 2017-11-29 Spacenet RoadDetector RoadDetector
417 2017-11-14 AutoTops AutoTops
416 2017-10-22 2017 TCO MM Final CityPatrol
415 2017-10-10 Urban Mapper 3D UrbanMapper3D
414 2017-10-05 Marathon Match 95 CirclesMix
413 2017-10-03 MudLogging OCR MudLogging
412 2017-09-15 Functional Map of the World FunctionalMap
411 2017-08-24 Fishing for Fishermen 2 FishingForFishermen2
410 2017-08-30 TCO17 MM Poland KnightsAttacks
409 2017-08-17 Marathon Match 94 ConnectedComponent
408 2017-07-28 HMS Lung Cancer 3 LungTumorTracer3
407 2017-07-26 Morgoth's Crown SpectrumPredictor
406 2017-07-14 KM Pathology *TCO17* PathImageSegmentation
405 2017-07-06 2017 TCO MM 3 PoisonedWine
404 2017-05-23 Waterfall Fun Round WaterfallFishing
403 2017-05-11 2017 TCO MM 2 AbstractWars
402 2017-04-13 2017 TCO MM 1 GraphDrawing
401 2017-03-29 HMS Lung Cancer 2 *TCO17* LungTumorTracer2
400 2017-03-22 SpaceNet Round 2 *TCO17* BuildingDetector2
399 2017-03-09 HMS Bonus Round LungTumorTracer
398 2017-03-02 Marathon Match 93 CrossStitch
397 2017-02-08 HMS Lung Cancer LungTumorTracer
396 2017-01-27 Connectivity Map 2 CMAP2Updated
395 2017-01-05 Marathon Match 92 Lighting
394 2016-12-20 MMRF MMRF
393 2016-11-19 2016 TCO Final XplosionMan
392 2016-11-17 SpaceNet Challenge BuildingDetector
391 2016-11-14 Price Predictor Mini MM PricePredictor
390 2016-10-20 Marathon Match 91 WanderingTheCity
389 2016-10-20 Robonaut Bonus Round RobonautVisionR2
388 2016-10-06 Robonaut Round 2 RobonautVisionR2
387 2016-09-07 IARPA Master Satellite3DMapping
386 2016-09-06 Fishing for Fishermen FishingForFishermen
385 2016-08-23 National Savings NationSave
384 2016-08-10 Email Mini MM EmailClassification
383 2016-07-21 Time Series Learning TimeSeriesLearning
382 2016-07-21 Time Series: Mixed Effects TimeSeriesLearning
381 2016-07-21 Time Series: Neural Networks TimeSeriesLearning
380 2016-07-21 Time Series: Tree Based TimeSeriesLearning
379 2016-07-21 Time Series: Matrix Completion TimeSeriesLearning
378 2016-06-29 Connectivity Map ConnectivityMap
377 2016-06-22 2016 TCO Marathon Round 3 TerrainCrossing
376 2016-06-16 2016 TCO NYC Round ColorCapture
375 2016-05-11 2016 TCO Marathon Round 2 StarTraveller
374 2016-04-15 DNA Seqeuncing 1 DNASequencing
373 2016-04-06 UKHO Tidal First2Finish TidalStream
372 2016-04-06 2016 TCO Marathon Round 1 CutTheRoots
371 2016-03-16 Electronic Parts ElectronicPartsClassification
370 2016-03-14 Atrocity Prevention MassAtrocityPredictor2016
369 2016-02-23 Robonaut Tool Manipulation RobonautVision
368 2016-02-22 Muse Demographic Membersh DemographicMembership
367 2015-12-15 PCF Computational Oncology PCFStupskiPrize1
366 2015-12-14 Marathon Match 90 RollingBalls
365 2015-11-09 2015 TCO Final LawnMowing
364 2015-10-12 Marathon Match 89 MazeFixing
363 2015-09-14 Spoken Languages 2 SpokenLanguages2
362 2015-09-15 Marathon Match 88 ViralInfection
361 2015-09-11 Quake Predictor X QuakePredictorX
360 2015-08-13 Marathon Match 87 PopulationMapping
359 2015-08-12 Master Data Management MasterDataManagement
358 2015-07-27 Quake Predictor QuakePredictor
357 2015-06-22 2015 TCO Round 3 PegJumping
356 2015-06-12 Spoken Languages SpokenLanguages
355 2015-05-25 2015 TCO Round 2 PathDefense
354 2015-04-20 2015 TCO Round 1 SmallPolygons
353 2015-04-09 Optimal Sampling OptimalSampling
352 2015-04-03 Robot Vision Tracker Extended RobotVisionTrackerX
351 2015-03-24 Robot Vision Tracker RobotVisionTracker
350 2015-02-23 Marathon Match 86 MovingNQueens
349 2015-02-19 Child Stuntedness 5 ChildStuntedness5
348 2015-01-26 Trip Safety TripSafetyFactors
347 2015-01-09 Antibody ABCSpeedup
346 2014-12-29 Active Molecules ActiveMolecules
345 2014-12-23 Child Stuntedness 4 ChildStuntedness4
344 2014-12-09 Facial Emotions FacialEmotions
343 2014-12-04 Child Stuntedness 3 ChildStuntedness3
342 2014-11-17 2014 TCO Final ForestFire
341 2014-10-21 Cassini Propeller Hunt 2 PropellerDetector
340 2014-10-17 Design of Experiments Challeng OptimalDrug
339 2014-10-16 Cassini Propeller Hunt 1 PropellerDetector
338 2014-10-01 Child Stuntedness 2 Phase 2 ChildStuntedness2
337 2014-09-26 Child Stuntedness 2 Phase 1 ChildStuntedness2
336 2014-08-11 Asteroid Data Hunter MM 2 AsteroidDetector
335 2014-08-19 HP IDOL OnDemand OCR deskewed OCROptimization
334 2014-08-11 Marathon Match MarathonMatch
333 2014-07-25 Asteroid Tracker AsteroidTracker
332 2014-06-25 Marathon Match 85 CollageMaker
331 2014-06-25 TCO14 Round 3 CollageMaker
330 2014-06-11 OmegaDetector OmegaDetector
329 2014-06-08 EPA Cyano Modeling Challenge CyanoHABsPredictor
328 2014-05-21 Marathon Match 84 RectanglesAndHoles
327 2014-05-21 TCO14 Round 2 RectanglesAndHoles
326 2014-04-23 EPA ToxCast Challenge LELPredictor
325 2014-04-18 Asteroid Data Hunter MM 1 AsteroidRejector
324 2014-04-09 Marathon Match 83 SquareRemover
323 2014-04-09 TCO14 Round 1 SquareRemover
322 2014-02-14 OctaveClassifier OctaveClassifier
321 2014-02-07 AlleleClassifier AlleleClassifier
320 2013-12-06 Marathon Match 82 ColorLinker
319 2013-11-11 TCO13 Championship Round GatheringResources
318 2013-09-12 Collective Minds Exploration C StructureRecognition
317 2013-08-22 Tech Challenge for Atrocity Pr MassAtrocityPredictor
316 2013-06-05 Marathon Match 81 CirclesSeparation
315 2013-06-05 TCO13 Round 3 CirclesSeparation
314 2013-05-22 SensorFusion2 SensorFusion2
313 2013-05-17 Test MM 2 StringConnectivity
312 2013-05-01 Marathon Match 80 FragileMirrors
311 2013-05-01 TCO13 Round 2 FragileMirrors
310 2013-04-24 GWASSpeedup GWASSpeedup
309 2013-04-15 Soybean Grand Challenge PedigreeEliteClassifier
308 2013-04-05 SensorFusion SensorFusion
307 2013-04-01 Robonaut Challenge (additional RobonautEye
306 2013-03-27 Marathon Match 79 SnowCleaning
305 2013-03-27 TCO13 Round 1 SnowCleaning
304 2013-02-27 Marathon Match 78 FixTheFence
303 2013-01-16 ISS Longeron Challenge ISS
302 2012-11-19 HMS Challenge #4 BostonRiskPredictor
301 2012-10-17 Test MM PolygonEstimation
300 2012-10-13 LoadBalance LoadBalance
299 2012-10-01 TCO12 Championship Round PolygonEstimation
298 2012-09-06 Soybean MM 6 AdvancedEliteClassifier
297 2012-08-22 Soteria Serious Injury Predict SeriousInjuryPrediction
296 2012-06-14 Soybean MM 5a IScorePredictor
295 2012-06-14 Soybean MM 5b RMPredictor
294 2012-06-07 HMS Challenge #3 FitnessEstimator
293 2012-05-30 Marathon Match 77 Cakes
292 2012-05-30 TCO12 Round 3 Cakes
291 2012-05-17 TCAP 2012 TheUniverseUnravels
290 2012-05-08 Treephaser Treephaser
289 2012-05-02 Marathon Match 76 TwistedGame
288 2012-05-02 TCO12 Round 2 TwistedGame
287 2012-04-15 Soybean MM 4 PedigreeYieldPredictor
286 2012-04-04 Marathon Match 75 BlackAndWhiteGame
285 2012-04-04 TCO12 Round 1 BlackAndWhiteGame
284 2012-04-02 Soybean MM 3 OmnipotentYieldPredictor
283 2012-03-26 USPTO Algo Followup Challenge PatentLabeling2
282 2012-03-16 HMS Challenge #1b MinorityVariants2
281 2012-03-14 AffineSWOptimization
280 2012-03-09 DATCompression2 DATCompression2
279 2012-03-08 HMS Challenge #2 GlaucomaDetector
278 2012-03-07 Soybean Marathon Match 2 YieldPredictor
277 2012-02-03 DATCompression DATCompression
276 2012-01-30 HMS Challenge #1 MinorityVariants
275 2012-01-06 Soybean Marathon Match 1 EliteClassifier
274 2012-01-06 SFFCompression SFFCompression
273 2011-12-16 USPTO Algorithm Challenge PatentLabeling
272 2011-10-24 Marathon Match 74 AntiTravelingSalesperson
271 2011-09-26 TCO11 Championship Round OptimalScheduling
270 2011-07-13 Marathon Match 73 OrdinalTraitAssociationMapping
269 2011-06-29 TCO11 Round 3 StringCompression
268 2011-06-29 Marathon Match 72 StringCompression
267 2011-06-15 NASA NTL MM 2
266 2011-06-01 Marathon Match 71 QualityPolygons
265 2011-06-01 TCO11 Round 2 QualityPolygons
264 2011-05-10 Marathon Match 70 RestrictionDigest
263 2011-04-13 Marathon Match 69 ImageScanner
262 2011-04-13 TCO11 Round 1 ImageScanner
261 2011-03-29 Marathon Match 68 BeautifulCrossword
260 2011-01-28 NASA NTL MM 1 VehicleRecognition
259 2010-12-15 Marathon Match 67 RockyMine
258 2010-10-27 Marathon Match 66 DigitsPattern
257 2010-10-12 TCO10 Final CollapsingMaze
256 2010-09-15 Marathon Match 65 CuttingFigures
255 2010-08-18 Marathon Match 64 StreetSales
254 2010-07-21 Marathon Match 63 SubgraphIsomorphism
253 2010-07-21 TCO10 Round 3 SubgraphIsomorphism
252 2010-06-23 Marathon Match 62 CellularAutomaton
251 2010-06-23 TCO10 Round 2 CellularAutomaton
250 2010-05-19 Marathon Match 61 Planarity
249 2010-05-19 TCO10 Round 1 Planarity
248 2010-05-05 Marathon Match 60 PolymerPacking
247 2010-04-14 Marathon Match 59 BookSelection
246 2010-03-24 Marathon Match 58 IsolatedPrimes
245 2010-02-17 NSA 4 US BlackBox
244 2010-02-17 NSA 4 Non-US BlackBox
243 2010-01-20 NSA 3 US BrokenClayTile
242 2010-01-20 NSA 3 Non US BrokenClayTile
241 2009-12-28 NSA 2 (US Only) ChessPuzzle
240 2009-12-28 NSA 2 Non-US ChessPuzzle
239 2009-12-02 NSA 1 - US Enigma
238 2009-12-02 NSA 1 - No Prizes Enigma
237 2009-11-16 Marathon Match 57 InverseHash
236 2009-11-04 NASA 0001 SpaceMedkit
235 2009-11-04 NASA 0002 SpaceMedkit
234 2009-11-04 NASA 0003 SpaceMedkit
233 2009-11-04 NASA 0004 SpaceMedkit
232 2009-11-04 NASA 0005 SpaceMedkit
231 2009-11-04 NASA 0006 SpaceMedkit
230 2009-11-04 NASA 0007 SpaceMedkit
229 2009-11-04 NASA 0008 SpaceMedkit
228 2009-11-04 NASA 0009 SpaceMedkit
227 2009-11-04 NASA 0010 SpaceMedkit
226 2009-11-04 NASA 0011 SpaceMedkit
225 2009-11-04 NASA 0012 SpaceMedkit
224 2009-11-04 NASA 0013 SpaceMedkit
223 2009-11-04 NASA 0014 SpaceMedkit
222 2009-11-04 NASA 0015 SpaceMedkit
221 2009-11-04 NASA 0016 SpaceMedkit
220 2009-11-04 NASA 0017 SpaceMedkit
219 2009-11-04 NASA 0018 SpaceMedkit
218 2009-11-04 NASA 0019 SpaceMedkit
217 2009-11-04 NASA 0020 SpaceMedkit
216 2009-11-04 NASA 0021 SpaceMedkit
215 2009-11-04 NASA 0022 SpaceMedkit
214 2009-11-04 NASA 0023 SpaceMedkit
213 2009-11-04 NASA 0024 SpaceMedkit
212 2009-11-04 NASA 0025 SpaceMedkit
211 2009-11-04 NASA 0026 SpaceMedkit
210 2009-11-04 NASA 0027 SpaceMedkit
209 2009-11-04 NASA 0028 SpaceMedkit
208 2009-11-04 NASA 0029 SpaceMedkit
207 2009-11-04 NASA 0030 SpaceMedkit
206 2009-11-04 NASA 0031 SpaceMedkit
205 2009-11-04 NASA 0032 SpaceMedkit
204 2009-11-04 NASA 0033 SpaceMedkit
203 2009-11-04 NASA 0034 SpaceMedkit
202 2009-11-04 NASA 0035 SpaceMedkit
201 2009-11-04 NASA 0036 SpaceMedkit
200 2009-11-04 NASA 0037 SpaceMedkit
199 2009-11-04 NASA 0038 SpaceMedkit
198 2009-11-04 NASA 0039 SpaceMedkit
197 2009-11-04 NASA 0040 SpaceMedkit
196 2009-11-04 NASA 0041 SpaceMedkit
195 2009-11-04 NASA 0042 SpaceMedkit
194 2009-11-04 NASA 0043 SpaceMedkit
193 2009-11-04 NASA 0044 SpaceMedkit
192 2009-11-04 NASA 0045 SpaceMedkit
191 2009-11-04 NASA 0046 SpaceMedkit
190 2009-11-04 NASA 0047 SpaceMedkit
189 2009-11-04 NASA 0048 SpaceMedkit
188 2009-11-04 NASA 0049 SpaceMedkit
187 2009-11-04 NASA 0050 SpaceMedkit
186 2009-11-04 NASA 0051 SpaceMedkit
185 2009-11-04 NASA 0052 SpaceMedkit
184 2009-11-04 NASA 0053 SpaceMedkit
183 2009-11-04 NASA 0054 SpaceMedkit
182 2009-11-04 NASA 0055 SpaceMedkit
181 2009-11-04 NASA 0056 SpaceMedkit
180 2009-11-04 NASA 0057 SpaceMedkit
179 2009-11-04 NASA 0058 SpaceMedkit
178 2009-11-04 NASA 0059 SpaceMedkit
177 2009-11-04 NASA 0060 SpaceMedkit
176 2009-11-04 NASA 0061 SpaceMedkit
175 2009-11-04 NASA 0062 SpaceMedkit
174 2009-11-04 NASA 0063 SpaceMedkit
173 2009-11-04 NASA 0064 SpaceMedkit
172 2009-11-04 NASA 0065 SpaceMedkit
171 2009-11-04 NASA 0066 SpaceMedkit
170 2009-11-04 NASA 0067 SpaceMedkit
169 2009-11-04 NASA 0068 SpaceMedkit
168 2009-11-04 NASA 0069 SpaceMedkit
167 2009-11-04 NASA 0070 SpaceMedkit
166 2009-11-04 NASA 0071 SpaceMedkit
165 2009-11-04 NASA 0072 SpaceMedkit
164 2009-11-04 NASA 0073 SpaceMedkit
163 2009-11-04 NASA 0074 SpaceMedkit
162 2009-11-04 NASA 0075 SpaceMedkit
161 2009-11-04 NASA 0076 SpaceMedkit
160 2009-11-04 NASA 0077 SpaceMedkit
159 2009-11-04 NASA 0078 SpaceMedkit
158 2009-11-04 NASA 0079 SpaceMedkit
157 2009-11-04 NASA 0080 SpaceMedkit
156 2009-11-04 NASA 0081 SpaceMedkit
155 2009-11-04 NASA 0082 SpaceMedkit
154 2009-11-04 NASA 0083 SpaceMedkit
153 2009-11-04 NASA 0084 SpaceMedkit
152 2009-11-04 NASA 0085 SpaceMedkit
151 2009-11-04 NASA 0086 SpaceMedkit
150 2009-11-04 NASA 0087 SpaceMedkit
149 2009-11-04 NASA 0088 SpaceMedkit
148 2009-11-04 NASA 0089 SpaceMedkit
147 2009-11-04 NASA 0090 SpaceMedkit
146 2009-11-04 NASA 0091 SpaceMedkit
145 2009-11-04 NASA 0092 SpaceMedkit
144 2009-11-04 NASA 0093 SpaceMedkit
143 2009-11-04 NASA 0094 SpaceMedkit
142 2009-11-04 NASA 0095 SpaceMedkit
141 2009-11-04 NASA 0096 SpaceMedkit
140 2009-11-04 NASA 0097 SpaceMedkit
139 2009-11-04 NASA 0098 SpaceMedkit
138 2009-11-04 NASA 0099 SpaceMedkit
137 2009-11-04 NASA 0100 SpaceMedkit
136 2009-11-04 NASA 0101 SpaceMedkit
135 2009-11-04 NASA 0102 SpaceMedkit
134 2009-11-04 NASA 0103 SpaceMedkit
133 2009-11-04 NASA 0104 SpaceMedkit
132 2009-11-04 NASA 0105 SpaceMedkit
131 2009-11-04 NASA 0106 SpaceMedkit
130 2009-11-04 NASA 0107 SpaceMedkit
129 2009-11-04 NASA 0108 SpaceMedkit
128 2009-11-04 NASA 0109 SpaceMedkit
127 2009-11-04 NASA 0110 SpaceMedkit
126 2009-11-04 NASA 0111 SpaceMedkit
125 2009-11-04 NASA 0112 SpaceMedkit
124 2009-11-04 NASA 0113 SpaceMedkit
123 2009-11-04 NASA 0114 SpaceMedkit
122 2009-11-04 NASA 0115 SpaceMedkit
121 2009-11-04 NASA 0116 SpaceMedkit
120 2009-11-04 NASA 0117 SpaceMedkit
119 2009-11-04 NASA 0118 SpaceMedkit
118 2009-11-04 NASA 0119 SpaceMedkit
117 2009-11-04 NASA 0120 SpaceMedkit
116 2009-11-04 NASA 0121 SpaceMedkit
115 2009-11-04 NASA 0122 SpaceMedkit
114 2009-11-04 NASA 0123 SpaceMedkit
113 2009-11-04 NASA 0124 SpaceMedkit
112 2009-11-04 NASA 0125 SpaceMedkit
111 2009-11-04 NASA 0126 SpaceMedkit
110 2009-11-04 NASA 0127 SpaceMedkit
109 2009-11-04 NASA 0128 SpaceMedkit
108 2009-11-04 NASA 0129 SpaceMedkit
107 2009-11-04 NASA 0130 SpaceMedkit
106 2009-11-04 NASA 0131 SpaceMedkit
105 2009-11-04 NASA 0132 SpaceMedkit
104 2009-11-04 NASA 0133 SpaceMedkit
103 2009-10-01 Marathon Match 56 EnclosingCircles
102 2009-09-11 CUDA Beta
101 2009-09-04 MessageDispatcher MessageDispatcher
100 2009-08-13 AgentMatching AgentMatching
99 2009-07-22 Marathon Match 55 CoalMining
98 2009-06-24 Marathon Match 54 TilesPuzzle
97 2009-06-02 TCO09 MM Finals Dominoes
96 2009-04-29 Marathon Match 53 TilesMatching
95 2009-04-20 Exp 1 - Gr A - Ph 2 SequenceAlignment
94 2009-04-20 Exp 1 - Gr B - Ph 2 SequenceAlignment
93 2009-04-20 Exp 1 - Gr C - Ph 2 SequenceAlignment
92 2009-04-13 Exp 1 - Gr A - Ph 1 SequenceAlignment
91 2009-04-13 Exp 1 - Gr B - Ph 1 SequenceAlignment
90 2009-04-13 Exp 1 - Gr C - Ph 1 SequenceAlignment
89 2009-03-25 Marathon Match 52 BounceOff
88 2009-03-25 TCO09 MM Round 3 BounceOff
87 2009-03-11 Marathon Match 51 Gearing
86 2009-03-11 TCO09 MM Round 2 Gearing
85 2009-02-26 OpenJPEG J2KDecode
84 2009-02-25 Marathon Match 50 ReliefMap
83 2009-02-25 TCO09 MM Round 1 ReliefMap
82 2009-02-13 FundingPrediction FundingPrediction
81 2009-02-04 Marathon Match 49 MegaParty
80 2009-01-14 MM 48 WatermarkSequence
79 2008-12-31 MM 47 GrilleReconstruction
78 2008-12-18 AMD 4 ImageFilter
77 2008-12-10 MM 46 KnightsMoveCipher
76 2008-12-03 MM 45 Deanonymize
75 2008-11-19 MM 44 LaggedGenerator
74 2008-10-29 MM 43 GraphicalAuthentication
73 2008-10-15 MM 42 FlockingBehaviour
72 2008-09-17 MM 41 Steganography
71 2008-09-10 AMD Threadfest 3 RayTracer
70 2008-09-03 MM 40 Klondike
69 2008-08-20 MM 39 OneTimePad
68 2008-07-30 MM 38 PieceMover
67 2008-07-16 MM 37 Textures
66 2008-06-23 MM 36 XORPlusEncryption
65 2008-06-11 MM 35 BrownianZombies
64 2008-06-06 Predictive 1 ResultsPredictor
63 2008-05-21 AMD Threadfest 2 Zebras
62 2008-05-12 TCO08 MM Finals CarRace
61 2008-04-30 MM 34 CircuitConstruction
60 2008-04-16 MM 33 LiftScheduler
59 2008-04-02 MM 32 FactoryManager
58 2008-03-12 AMD Threadfest 1 ProcessorScheduling
57 2008-02-27 MM 31 MultiplayerReversi
56 2008-02-27 TCO08 MM 3 SuperResolution
55 2008-02-13 MM 30 Epidemic
54 2008-02-13 TCO08 MM 2 Epidemic
53 2008-01-30 MM 29 ServiceFacilities
52 2008-01-30 TCO08 MM 1 ServiceFacilities
51 2008-01-09 MM 28 GraphMancala
50 2007-12-12 MM 27 MaxwellDemon
49 2007-11-28 MM 26 Permute
48 2007-11-07 MM 25 AreaFiller
47 2007-10-31 TCCC07 Marathon Finals Tank
46 2007-10-10 MM 24 CompoundHypergraphDrawing
45 2007-09-26 MM 23 PolygonArea
44 2007-09-05 MM 22 TrafficTiming
43 2007-09-05 TCCC07 MM 3 Advertising
42 2007-08-22 MM 21 ShapePackaging
41 2007-08-22 TCCC07 MM 2 DeepMining
40 2007-08-08 MM 20 ImageReconstruction
39 2007-08-08 TCCC07 MM 1 Scruffle
38 2007-07-11 MM 19 MarsRover
37 2007-06-28 MM 18 BlockEditDistance2
36 2007-06-27 TCO07 MM Finals Navigator
35 2007-06-13 MM 18 BlockEditDistance
34 2007-05-16 MM 17 ContinuousSameGame
33 2007-04-18 MM 16 RobotRouting
32 2007-04-18 TCO07 MM 4 RobotRouting
31 2007-04-04 MM 15 LumberjackExam
30 2007-04-04 TCO07 MM 3 LumberjackExam
29 2007-03-21 MM 14 TwoCardDraw
28 2007-03-21 TCO07 MM 2 TwoCardDraw
27 2007-03-07 MM 13 DensityImaging
26 2007-03-07 TCO07 MM 1 DensityImaging
25 2007-02-14 MM 12 AdPlacement
24 2007-01-31 MM 11 SnakePlayer
23 2007-01-17 MM 10 DiscretizedContinuousPacMan
22 2007-01-03 MM 9 SortedCube
21 2006-12-13 Intel 12 Distance
20 2006-12-06 MM 8 MazeEscape
19 2006-11-15 Intel 11 GroupSkills
18 2006-11-01 MM 7 GraphBuilder
17 2006-10-18 Intel 10 MapMaker
16 2006-10-11 MM 6 PseudoTonga
15 2006-09-13 Intel 9 Polyominoes
14 2006-09-06 MM 5 Linez
13 2006-08-16 Intel 8 MessageReceiver
12 2006-08-09 MM 4 BattleshipGame
11 2006-07-19 Intel 7 CentrallyLocated
10 2006-07-12 MM 3 WeighingBalls
9 2006-06-14 Intel 6 BoxPacking
8 2006-06-07 MM 2 MasterMind
7 2006-05-17 Intel 5 PartitionGraph
6 2006-05-10 MM 1 RandomWalking
5 2006-04-19 Intel 4 NearestNeighbors
4 2006-03-22 Intel 3 StringSearch
3 2006-02-22 Intel 2 Sudoku
2 2006-01-25 Intel 1 RoutePackets
1 2005-12-15 Marathon Beta CostlySorting