top > Marathon Matches > Competition History > nofto

Marathon Match Competition History of nofto [topcoder]

# Date Contest Place Submissions Provisional
88 2022-04-21 Marathon Match 136 ROUND 22 2 65.13 64.97 2074 2010 -64
87 2022-04-07 Marathon Match 135 ROUND 11 3 70.31 71.33 2082 2074 -8
86 2022-03-10 Marathon Match 134 ROUND 10 7 92.83 92.83 2104 2082 -22
85 2022-01-18 Marathon Match 133 ROUND 8 12 52.71 52.6 2090 2104 +14
84 2022-01-04 Marathon Match 132 ROUND 17 2 36.9 35.56 2127 2090 -37
83 2021-11-18 MM 131 Testing ROUND 5 6 89.23 87.09 2046 2127 +81
82 2021-10-01 Marathon Match 130 ROUND 16 5 86.12 85.29 2049 2046 -3
81 2021-09-07 Marathon Match 129 ROUND 8 3 94.23 94.86 2021 2049 +28
80 2021-07-27 TCO21 Regional Marathon - Ligh 6 4 82.69 82.69 1975 2021 +46
79 2021-06-02 Marathon Match 127 - CarRacing 16 4 86.08 86.04 1993 1975 -18
78 2019-02-20 OCR Error Reducer 3 3 643644.94 643072.86 1942 1993 +51
77 2018-11-04 Yaw Misalignment 4 8 993000.0 785120.96 -
76 2018-10-06 Bugzilla ROUND 8 19 406799.84 402212.11 -
75 2018-09-28 (TCO19) RFID Locator 11 18 122459.78 12245.98 -
74 2018-09-13 *TCO19* PPE Detection 2 53 677651.31 463891.75 -
73 2018-07-10 DS Challenge: Use IBM Watson t 6 11 563131.97 582811.14 -
72 2018-05-22 Silverline Media Advertisement 7 11 995095.42 994761.47 2006 1991 -15
71 2018-05-10 2018 TCO MM 1 47 5 996481.94 995944.83 2007 2007 +0
70 2018-05-05 2018 TCO Poland MM 47 6 768300.56 777538.92 2037 2007 -30
69 2018-04-19 Marathon Match 100 31 5 790729.54 771352.31 2020 2037 +17
68 2018-03-16 Problem Statement Classification 2 20 231.89 1206.28 -
67 2018-02-03 Detecting Abnormality [Level 3 10 1 656515.39 695966.48 -
66 2018-02-03 Detecting Abnormality 9 22 760183.48 717308.1 -
65 2018-02-03 Detect Abnormality [Level 1] 9 1 745310.45 784741.28 -
64 2018-02-03 Detecting Abnormality [Level 1 10 1 680560.77 706954.97 -
63 2017-12-12 Automated Failure Analysis 5 14 728719.9 705873.35 -
62 2017-11-14 AutoTops 3 21 933946.32 921203.71 -
61 2017-10-10 Urban Mapper 3D 13 2 718681.21 1.0 -
60 2017-08-24 Fishing for Fishermen 2 4 23 938586.88 947703.56 1949 2020 +71
59 2017-07-28 HMS Lung Cancer 3 3 29 598104.14 586949.49 -
58 2017-07-14 KM Pathology *TCO17* 41 18 702967.92 770752.99 2073 1949 -124
57 2017-07-06 2017 TCO MM 3 27 14 185394.63 224976.76 2077 2073 -4
56 2017-03-29 HMS Lung Cancer 2 *TCO17* 5 37 534905.08 532968.89 -
55 2017-02-08 HMS Lung Cancer 5 31 225842.47 224301.53 2093 2077 -16
54 2017-01-27 Connectivity Map 2 5 12 627767.41 906060.3 -
53 2016-12-20 MMRF 25 20 302978.14 71391.08 -
52 2016-11-14 Price Predictor Mini MM 20 30 956037.58 917801.13 2267 2105 -162
51 2016-10-06 Robonaut Round 2 13 10 227686.71 228377.58 -
50 2016-09-07 IARPA Master 7 8 0.0 0.0 -
49 2016-09-06 Fishing for Fishermen 6 60 961232.03 980937.04 2258 2267 +9
48 2016-08-23 National Savings 4 4 997706.53 996998.33 -
47 2016-08-10 Email Mini MM 1 9 504080.69 528172.85 2153 2258 +105
46 2016-07-21 Time Series: Tree Based 5 36 99.19 991883.43 -
45 2016-07-21 Time Series: Mixed Effects 3 9 98.91 989100.62 -
44 2016-07-21 Time Series Learning 5 39 99.19 991919.13 2153 2153 +0
43 2016-06-29 Connectivity Map 20 48 1296054.99 1293231.63 2239 2153 -86
42 2016-06-22 2016 TCO Marathon Round 3 35 21 968541.46 959363.82 2315 2239 -76
41 2016-06-16 2016 TCO NYC Round 2 5 801313.16 818560.84 2280 2315 +35
40 2016-04-15 DNA Seqeuncing 1 7 11 1482145.54 1945464.36 2251 2280 +29
39 2016-03-16 Electronic Parts 7 40 996663.13 996787.27 2227 2251 +24
38 2016-02-22 Muse Demographic Membersh 8 70 815256.19 810926.25 2208 2227 +19
37 2015-12-15 PCF Computational Oncology 27 29 457550.73 357648.51 -
36 2015-09-14 Spoken Languages 2 2 33 3514560.0 8774320.0 2121 2208 +87
35 2015-08-12 Master Data Management 2 42 537844.15 534448.61 1981 2121 +140
34 2015-07-27 Quake Predictor 9 8 80403.94 0.0 2137 1981 -156
33 2015-06-22 2015 TCO Round 3 26 19 461572.36 510570.19 2151 2137 -14
32 2015-06-12 Spoken Languages 4 10 1232400.0 2563600.0 -
31 2015-04-20 2015 TCO Round 1 39 5 76.86 1477.87 2198 2151 -47
30 2015-04-09 Optimal Sampling 10 15 974898.59 971971.02 2206 2198 -8
29 2015-04-03 Robot Vision Tracker Extended 2 15 925680.29 598163.38 -
28 2015-03-24 Robot Vision Tracker 10 12 837401.43 253622.26 2273 2206 -67
27 2015-02-19 Child Stuntedness 5 11 48 167594.16 173964.85 2296 2273 -23
26 2015-01-26 Trip Safety 3 93 254301.67 289189.23 2227 2296 +69
25 2014-12-29 Active Molecules 4 39 928135.36 927458.92 2168 2227 +59
24 2014-12-23 Child Stuntedness 4 3 36 746605.52 741714.97 2108 2168 +60
23 2014-12-04 Child Stuntedness 3 3 19 479608.65 442858.88 2021 2108 +87
22 2014-10-21 Cassini Propeller Hunt 2 4 37 249737.87 231273.23 -
21 2014-10-17 Design of Experiments Challeng 12 60 893366.24 738131.03 2050 2021 -29
20 2014-10-16 Cassini Propeller Hunt 1 4 10 18091.56 17720.3 2063 2050 -13
19 2014-10-01 Child Stuntedness 2 Phase 2 7 14 728199.39 728682.67 -
18 2014-09-26 Child Stuntedness 2 Phase 1 4 16 696406.58 690891.96 2006 2063 +57
17 2014-08-11 Asteroid Data Hunter MM 2 4 14 282031.97 301946.82 1917 2006 +89
16 2014-08-19 HP IDOL OnDemand OCR deskewed 1 6 341108.4 567225.87 -
15 2014-08-11 Marathon Match 34 4 293438.1 325696.49 1995 1917 -78
14 2014-07-25 Asteroid Tracker 6 47 621.57 648.44 1949 1995 +46
13 2014-06-08 EPA Cyano Modeling Challenge 7 51 624007.74 556566.87 1966 1949 -17
12 2014-05-21 TCO14 Round 2 26 16 842369.43 843300.5 1930 1966 +36
11 2014-04-18 Asteroid Data Hunter MM 1 4 22 917195.12 922442.11 1846 1930 +84
10 2014-04-09 TCO14 Round 1 68 13 645680.89 644902.23 1852 1846 -6
9 2014-02-14 OctaveClassifier 10 20 936101.52 938637.7 1797 1852 +55
8 2014-02-07 AlleleClassifier 21 40 933589.02 876032.81 1785 1797 +12
7 2013-09-12 Collective Minds Exploration C 7 23 381022.08 443770.16 1747 1785 +38
6 2013-08-22 Tech Challenge for Atrocity Pr 18 5 171.49 256.01 1721 1747 +26
5 2013-06-05 TCO13 Round 3 81 6 828675.9 829395.51 1722 1721 -1
4 2013-05-17 Test MM 2 8 8 881820.32 880126.35 -
3 2013-03-27 TCO13 Round 1 54 7 854601.87 850400.95 1668 1722 +54
2 2013-02-27 Marathon Match 78 52 1 624218.84 645633.89 1806 1668 -138
1 2013-01-16 ISS Longeron Challenge 14 9 157412.98 156146.56 1806 -